FeaturesNGINX Open SourceNGINX Plus
Load balancer
    HTTP and TCP/UDP supportYesYes
    Layer 7 request routingYesYes
    Session persistenceYesYes
    Active health checksNoYes
    DNS service‑discovery integrationNoYes
Content cache
    Static and dynamic content cachingYesYes
    Cache‑purging APINoYes
Web server and reverse proxy
    Origin server for static contentYesYes
    Reverse proxy: HTTP, FastCGI, memcached, SCGI, uwsgiYesYes
    HTTP/2 gatewayYesYes
    gRPC proxyYesYes
    HTTP/2 server pushYesYes
Security controls
    HTTP Basic AuthenticationYesYes
    HTTP authentication subrequestsYesYes
    IP address‑based access control listsYesYes
    Rate limitingYesYes
    Dual‑stack RSA/ECC SSL/TLS offloadYesYes
    TLS 1.3 supportYesYes
    JWT authenticationNoYes
    OpenID Connect single sign‑on (SSO)NoYes
    NGINX App Protect (additional cost)NoYes
    Export to external monitoring toolsYesYes
    Built-in dashboardNoYes
    Extended status with 100+ additional metricsNoYes
High availability (HA)
    Active‑active and active‑passive modesNoYes
    Configuration synchronization across clusterNoYes
    State sharing: sticky‑learn session persistence, rate limiting, key‑value storesNoYes
    NGINX JavaScript moduleYesYes
    NGINX Plus API for dynamic reconfigurationNoYes
    Key‑value storeNoYes
    Dynamic reconfiguration without process reloadsNoYes
Streaming media
    Live streaming: RTMP, HLS, DASHYesYes
    VOD: Flash (FLV), MP4YesYes
    Adaptive bitrate VOD: HLS, HDSNoYes
    MP4 bandwidth controlsNoYes
Third-party ecosystem
    Ingress controllerYesYes
    OpenShift RouterYesYes
    Dynamic modules repositoryNoYes
Commercial supportNoYes