NGINX Ingress Controller - Docker Image build
- 목표 : 기본 NGINX / NGINX Plus Ingress Controller - Container Image Build
Image Build - Supported OS
- Debian - OSS / Plus / NAP / DoS
- Alpine - OSS / Plus
- UBI - OSS / Plus / NAP / DoS
사전 준비
사전 환경
- Docker 환경
- (NGINX Plus, NAP Image Build 시) NGINX Plus 인증서 보유
OS Package Install - Dev Tools
yum groupinstall "Development Tools" --setopt=group_package_types=mandatory,default,optional
Git Download
git clone <> --branch v3.0.2 # git clone <> --branch v3.1.0 cd kubernetes-ingress
NGINX Plus Ingrss Controller Image Build 시
- NGINX Private Registry 인증서 위치
- 최상위 경로에 위치
- Sample PATH : /home/cco/dockerfile-nginxingress/kubernetes-ingress
- NGINX Private Registry 인증서 위치
Image Create - OSS
기본 Image Build
make debian-image-plus TARGET=download
사내 Private Registry + No Cache Build
make debian-image-plus PREFIX=docker-registry.cco/sglee-test/nginx-plus-ingress-debian TARGET=download DOCKER_BUILD_OPTIONS="--pull --no-cache"
Build Result
[root@sglee kubernetes-ingress]# docker image ls REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE docker-registry.cco/sglee-test/nginx-plus-ingress-debian 3.0.2-SNAPSHOT-40e3a2b f397b2110f3f 13 days ago 193MB
Image - Private Registry Push
make push PREFIX=docker-registry.cco/sglee-test/nginx-plus-ingress-debian:TAG
Image Create
make alpine-image-plus PREFIX=docker-registry.cco/sglee-test/nginx-plus-ingress-alpine TARGET=download DOCKER_BUILD_OPTIONS="--pull --no-cache"
Image Private Registry Push
make push PREFIX=docker-registry.cco/sglee-test/nginx-plus-ingress-alpine
Image Create - NGINX App Protect
Image Create
make debian-image-nap-plus PREFIX=docker-registry.cco/sglee-test/230329 TAG=debian-image-nap-plus TARGET=download DOCKER_BUILD_OPTIONS="--pull --no-cache"
image Private Registry Push
make push PREFIX=docker-registry.cco/sglee-test/230329:debian-image-nap-plus
Image Build Make Option
[root@sglee kubernetes-ingress]# make help Usage: make <target> [VARIABLE=value...] Targets: alpine-image Create Docker image for Ingress Controller (Alpine) alpine-image-plus Create Docker image for Ingress Controller (Alpine with NGINX Plus) build Build Ingress Controller binary build-goreleaser Build Ingress Controller binary using GoReleaser certificate-and-key Create default cert and key clean-cache Clean go cache clean Remove nginx-ingress binary cover Generate coverage report cover-html Generate and show coverage report in HTML format debian-image Create Docker image for Ingress Controller (Debian) debian-image-dos-plus Create Docker image for Ingress Controller (Debian with NGINX Plus and App Protect DoS) debian-image-nap-dos-plus Create Docker image for Ingress Controller (Debian with NGINX Plus, App Protect WAF and DoS) debian-image-nap-plus Create Docker image for Ingress Controller (Debian with NGINX Plus and App Protect WAF) debian-image-plus Create Docker image for Ingress Controller (Debian with NGINX Plus) deps Add missing and remove unused modules, verify deps and download them to local cache download-binary-docker Download Docker image from which to extract Ingress Controller binary, TARGET=download is required help Display this help lint-python Run linter for python tests lint Run linter push Docker push to PREFIX and TAG staticcheck Run staticcheck linter test Run tests ubi-image Create Docker image for Ingress Controller (UBI) ubi-image-dos-plus Create Docker image for Ingress Controller (UBI with NGINX Plus and App Protect DoS) ubi-image-nap-dos-plus Create Docker image for Ingress Controller (UBI with NGINX Plus, App Protect WAF and DoS) ubi-image-nap-plus Create Docker image for Ingress Controller (UBI with NGINX Plus and App Protect WAF) ubi-image-plus Create Docker image for Ingress Controller (UBI with NGINX Plus) update-codegen Generate code update-crds Update CRDs verify-codegen Verify code generation Variables: ARCH The architecture of the image or binary. For example: amd64, arm64, ppc64le, s390x. Not all architectures are supported for all targets. DOCKER_BUILD_OPTIONS The options for the docker build command. For example, --pull. PREFIX The name of the image. For example, nginx/nginx-ingress TAG The tag of the image. For example, 2.0.0 TARGET The target of the build. Possible values: local, container and download
Docker File (RAW)
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1.4 ARG BUILD_OS=debian ARG NGINX_PLUS_VERSION=R28 ARG DOWNLOAD_TAG=edge ############################################# Base images containing libs for Opentracing ############################################# FROM opentracing/nginx-opentracing:nginx-1.23.3 as opentracing-lib FROM opentracing/nginx-opentracing:nginx-1.23.3-alpine as alpine-opentracing-lib ############################################# Base image for Debian ############################################# FROM nginx:1.23.3 AS debian RUN --mount=type=bind,from=opentracing-lib,target=/tmp/ot/ \\ apt-get update \\ && apt-get install --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests -y libcap2-bin \\ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \\ && cp -av /tmp/ot/usr/local/lib/* /tmp/ot/usr/local/lib/libjaegertracing*so* /tmp/ot/usr/local/lib/libzipkin*so* /tmp/ot/usr/local/lib/libdd*so* /tmp/ot/usr/local/lib/libyaml*so* /usr/local/lib/ \\ && cp -av /tmp/ot/usr/lib/nginx/modules/ /usr/lib/nginx/modules/ \\ && ldconfig ############################################# Base image for Alpine ############################################# FROM nginx:1.23.3-alpine AS alpine RUN --mount=type=bind,from=alpine-opentracing-lib,target=/tmp/ot/ \\ apk add --no-cache libcap libstdc++ \\ && cp -av /tmp/ot/usr/local/lib/* /tmp/ot/usr/local/lib/libjaegertracing*so* /tmp/ot/usr/local/lib/libzipkin*so* /tmp/ot/usr/local/lib/libdd*so* /tmp/ot/usr/local/lib/libyaml*so* /usr/local/lib/ \\ && cp -av /tmp/ot/usr/lib/nginx/modules/ /usr/lib/nginx/modules/ \\ && ldconfig /usr/local/lib/ ############################################# Base image for Alpine with NGINX Plus ############################################# FROM alpine:3.17 as alpine-plus ARG NGINX_PLUS_VERSION RUN --mount=type=secret,id=nginx-repo.crt,dst=/etc/apk/cert.pem,mode=0644 \\ --mount=type=secret,id=nginx-repo.key,dst=/etc/apk/cert.key,mode=0644 \\ --mount=type=bind,from=alpine-opentracing-lib,target=/tmp/ot/ \\ wget -nv -O /etc/apk/keys/ <> \\ && printf "%s\\n" "<${NGINX_PLUS_VERSION}/alpine/v$>(grep -E -o '^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+' /etc/alpine-release)/main" >> /etc/apk/repositories \\ && apk add --no-cache libcap nginx-plus nginx-plus-module-njs nginx-plus-module-opentracing libcurl \\ && cp -av /tmp/ot/usr/local/lib/libjaegertracing*so* /tmp/ot/usr/local/lib/libzipkin*so* /tmp/ot/usr/local/lib/libdd*so* /tmp/ot/usr/local/lib/libyaml*so* /usr/local/lib/ \\ && ldconfig /usr/local/lib/ ############################################# Base image for Debian with NGINX Plus ############################################# FROM debian:11-slim AS debian-plus ARG IC_VERSION ARG NGINX_PLUS_VERSION ARG BUILD_OS SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"] RUN --mount=type=secret,id=nginx-repo.crt,dst=/etc/ssl/nginx/nginx-repo.crt,mode=0644 \\ --mount=type=secret,id=nginx-repo.key,dst=/etc/ssl/nginx/nginx-repo.key,mode=0644 \\ --mount=type=bind,from=opentracing-lib,target=/tmp/ot/ \\ apt-get update \\ && apt-get install --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests -y ca-certificates gnupg curl apt-transport-https libcap2-bin \\ && curl -fsSL <> | gpg --dearmor > /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/nginx_signing.gpg \\ && curl -fsSL -o /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90pkgs-nginx <> \\ && DEBIAN_VERSION=$(awk -F '=' '/^VERSION_CODENAME=/ {print $2}' /etc/os-release) \\ && printf "%s\\n" " \\"k8s-ic-$IC_VERSION${BUILD_OS##debian-plus}-apt\\";" >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90pkgs-nginx \\ && printf "%s\\n" "deb <${NGINX_PLUS_VERSION}/debian> ${DEBIAN_VERSION} nginx-plus" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nginx-plus.list \\ && apt-get update \\ && apt-get install --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests -y nginx-plus nginx-plus-module-njs nginx-plus-module-opentracing libcurl4 \\ && apt-get purge --auto-remove -y apt-transport-https gnupg curl \\ && cp -av /tmp/ot/usr/local/lib/libjaegertracing*so* /tmp/ot/usr/local/lib/libzipkin*so* /tmp/ot/usr/local/lib/libdd*so* /tmp/ot/usr/local/lib/libyaml*so* /usr/local/lib/ \\ && ldconfig \\ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* ############################################# Base image for Debian with NGINX Plus and App Protect WAF/DoS ############################################# FROM debian-plus as debian-plus-nap ARG NGINX_PLUS_VERSION ARG NAP_MODULES RUN --mount=type=secret,id=nginx-repo.crt,dst=/etc/ssl/nginx/nginx-repo.crt,mode=0644 \\ --mount=type=secret,id=nginx-repo.key,dst=/etc/ssl/nginx/nginx-repo.key,mode=0644 \\ apt-get update \\ && apt-get install --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests -y gnupg curl apt-transport-https \\ && DEBIAN_VERSION=$(awk -F '=' '/^VERSION_CODENAME=/ {print $2}' /etc/os-release) \\ && if [ -z "${NAP_MODULES##*waf*}" ]; then \\ curl -fsSL <> | gpg --dearmor > /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/nginx_app_signing.gpg \\ && printf "%s\\n" "deb <${NGINX_PLUS_VERSION}/debian> ${DEBIAN_VERSION} nginx-plus" \\ "deb <> ${DEBIAN_VERSION} nginx-plus" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nginx-app-protect.list \\ && apt-get update \\ && apt-get install --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests -y app-protect app-protect-attack-signatures app-protect-threat-campaigns \\ && apt-get purge --auto-remove -y curl; \\ fi \\ && if [ -z "${NAP_MODULES##*dos*}" ]; then \\ printf "%s\\n" "deb <${NGINX_PLUS_VERSION}/debian> ${DEBIAN_VERSION} nginx-plus" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nginx-app-protect-dos.list \\ && apt-get update \\ && apt-get install --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests -y app-protect-dos; \\ fi \\ && apt-get purge --auto-remove -y apt-transport-https gnupg \\ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \\ && rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nginx-app-protect*.list # Uncomment the lines below if you want to install a custom CA certificate # COPY build/*.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ # RUN update-ca-certificates ############################################# Base image for UBI ############################################# FROM nginxcontrib/nginx:1.23.3-ubi AS ubi ARG IC_VERSION LABEL name="NGINX Ingress Controller" \\ maintainer="[email protected]" \\ vendor="NGINX Inc" \\ version="${IC_VERSION}" \\ release="1" \\ summary="The Ingress Controller is an application that runs in a cluster and configures an HTTP load balancer according to Ingress resources." \\ description="The Ingress Controller is an application that runs in a cluster and configures an HTTP load balancer according to Ingress resources." \\ io.k8s.description="The NGINX Ingress Controller is an application that runs in a cluster and configures an HTTP load balancer according to Ingress resources." \\ io.openshift.tags="nginx,ingress-controller,ingress,controller,kubernetes,openshift" COPY --link --chown=101:0 LICENSE /licenses/ ############################################# Base image for UBI with NGINX Plus ############################################# FROM redhat/ubi8:8.6 AS ubi-plus ARG NGINX_PLUS_VERSION SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"] RUN --mount=type=secret,id=nginx-repo.crt,dst=/etc/ssl/nginx/nginx-repo.crt,mode=0644 \\ --mount=type=secret,id=nginx-repo.key,dst=/etc/ssl/nginx/nginx-repo.key,mode=0644 \\ dnf --nodocs install -y shadow-utils ca-certificates \\ # temp fix for CVE-2022-1304 CVE-2016-3709, CVE-2022-42898, CVE-2022-42010, CVE-2022-43680, CVE-2022-3821, CVE-2021-46848, CVE-2022-35737 and CVE-2022-47629 && dnf --nodocs upgrade -y libcom_err libxml2 krb5-libs dbus expat systemd libtasn1 sqlite-libs libksba \\ && groupadd --system --gid 101 nginx \\ && useradd --system --gid nginx --no-create-home --home-dir /nonexistent --comment "nginx user" --shell /bin/false --uid 101 nginx \\ && rpm --import <> \\ && curl -fsSL "<$>(grep -E -o '[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+' /etc/redhat-release | cut -d"." -f1).repo" | tr 0 1 > /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx-plus.repo \\ && sed -i "0,/centos/s;;${NGINX_PLUS_VERSION}/centos;" /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx-plus.repo \\ && dnf --nodocs install -y nginx-plus nginx-plus-module-njs ############################################# Base image for UBI with NGINX Plus and App Protect WAF/DoS ############################################# FROM ubi-plus as ubi-plus-nap ARG NGINX_PLUS_VERSION ARG NAP_MODULES RUN --mount=type=secret,id=nginx-repo.crt,dst=/etc/ssl/nginx/nginx-repo.crt,mode=0644 \\ --mount=type=secret,id=nginx-repo.key,dst=/etc/ssl/nginx/nginx-repo.key,mode=0644 \\ --mount=type=secret,id=rhel_license,dst=/tmp/rhel_license,mode=0644 \\ source /tmp/rhel_license \\ && subscription-manager register --org=${RHEL_ORGANIZATION} --activationkey=${RHEL_ACTIVATION_KEY} || true \\ && subscription-manager attach \\ && dnf config-manager --set-enabled codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms \\ && dnf --nodocs install -y <> \\ && if [ -z "${NAP_MODULES##*waf*}" ]; then \\ curl -fsSL <> > /etc/yum.repos.d/app-protect-8.repo; \\ sed -i "0,/centos/s;;${NGINX_PLUS_VERSION}/centos;" /etc/yum.repos.d/app-protect-8.repo; \\ dnf --nodocs install -y app-protect app-protect-attack-signatures app-protect-threat-campaigns; \\ fi \\ && if [ -z "${NAP_MODULES##*dos*}" ]; then \\ curl -fsSL <> > /etc/yum.repos.d/app-protect-dos-8.repo; \\ sed -i "0,/centos/s;;${NGINX_PLUS_VERSION}/centos;" /etc/yum.repos.d/app-protect-dos-8.repo; \\ dnf --nodocs install -y app-protect-dos; \\ fi \\ && rm /etc/yum.repos.d/app-protect*.repo \\ && subscription-manager unregister \\ && dnf clean all && rm -rf /var/cache/dnf # Uncomment the lines below if you want to install a custom CA certificate # COPY build/*.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ # RUN update-ca-trust extract ############################################# Create common files, permissions and setcap ############################################# FROM ${BUILD_OS} as common ARG BUILD_OS ARG IC_VERSION ARG GIT_COMMIT ARG TARGETPLATFORM ARG NAP_MODULES=none # copy oidc files on plus build RUN --mount=type=bind,target=/tmp [ -n "${BUILD_OS##*plus*}" ] && exit 0; mkdir -p /etc/nginx/oidc/ && cp -a /tmp/internal/configs/oidc/* /etc/nginx/oidc/ # run only on nap waf build RUN --mount=type=bind,target=/tmp [ -n "${NAP_MODULES##*waf*}" ] && exit 0; mkdir -p /etc/nginx/waf/nac-policies /etc/nginx/waf/nac-logconfs /etc/nginx/waf/nac-usersigs /var/log/app_protect /opt/app_protect \\ && chown -R 101:0 /etc/app_protect /usr/share/ts /var/log/app_protect/ /opt/app_protect/ /var/log/nginx/ \\ && touch /etc/nginx/waf/nac-usersigs/index.conf \\ && cp -a /tmp/build/log-default.json /etc/nginx # run only on nap dos build RUN [ -n "${NAP_MODULES##*dos*}" ] && exit 0; mkdir -p /root/app_protect_dos /etc/nginx/dos/policies /etc/nginx/dos/logconfs /shared/cores /var/log/adm /var/run/adm \\ && chmod 777 /shared/cores /var/log/adm /var/run/adm /etc/app_protect_dos RUN --mount=type=bind,target=/tmp mkdir -p /var/lib/nginx /etc/nginx/secrets /etc/nginx/stream-conf.d \\ && setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /usr/sbin/nginx 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /usr/sbin/nginx-debug \\ && setcap -v 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /usr/sbin/nginx 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /usr/sbin/nginx-debug \\ && [ -z "${BUILD_OS##*plus*}" ] && PLUS=-plus; cp -a /tmp/internal/configs/version1/nginx$PLUS.ingress.tmpl /tmp/internal/configs/version1/nginx$PLUS.tmpl \\ /tmp/internal/configs/version2/nginx$PLUS.virtualserver.tmpl /tmp/internal/configs/version2/nginx$PLUS.transportserver.tmpl / \\ && chown -R 101:0 /etc/nginx /var/cache/nginx /var/lib/nginx /*.tmpl \\ && rm -f /etc/nginx/conf.d/* /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90pkgs-nginx /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nginx-plus.list # Uncomment the line below if you would like to add the default.pem to the image # and use it as a certificate and key for the default server # ADD default.pem /etc/nginx/secrets/default EXPOSE 80 443 STOPSIGNAL SIGTERM ENTRYPOINT ["/nginx-ingress"] # 101 is nginx USER 101 LABEL org.opencontainers.image.version="${IC_VERSION}" LABEL org.opencontainers.image.revision="${GIT_COMMIT}" LABEL"${TARGETPLATFORM}" LABEL"${BUILD_OS}" LABEL"${NGINX_PLUS_VERSION}${NGINX_VERSION}" ############################################# Build nginx-ingress in golang container ############################################# FROM golang:1.19-alpine AS builder ARG IC_VERSION ARG TARGETARCH WORKDIR /go/src/ RUN apk add --no-cache git RUN --mount=type=bind,target=/go/src/ --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache/go-build \\ go mod download RUN --mount=type=bind,target=/go/src/ --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache/go-build \\ CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=$TARGETARCH go build -trimpath -ldflags "-s -w -X main.version=${IC_VERSION}" -o /nginx-ingress ############################################# Create image with nginx-ingress built in container ############################################# FROM common AS container LABEL"container" COPY --link --from=builder --chown=101:0 /nginx-ingress / ############################################# Create image with nginx-ingress built locally ############################################# FROM common AS local LABEL"local" COPY --link --chown=101:0 nginx-ingress / ############################################# Create image with nginx-ingress built by GoReleaser ############################################# FROM common AS goreleaser ARG TARGETARCH LABEL"goreleaser" COPY --link --chown=101:0 dist/kubernetes-ingress_linux_${TARGETARCH}*/nginx-ingress / ############################################# Create image with nginx-ingress built by GoReleaser for AWS Marketplace ############################################# FROM common AS aws ARG TARGETARCH ARG NAP_MODULES_AWS LABEL"aws" COPY --link --chown=101:0 dist/aws*${NAP_MODULES_AWS}_linux_${TARGETARCH}*/nginx-ingress / ############################################# Create image with nginx-ingress extracted from image on Docker Hub ############################################# FROM nginx/nginx-ingress:${DOWNLOAD_TAG} as kic FROM common as download LABEL"binaries" COPY --link --from=kic --chown=101:0 /nginx-ingress /